2017 Lean Leadership


Lean leadership is a philosophy. It is a consistent way of thinking and being in your role as a leader. The Lean Leadership Programme is founded on the Toyota Production System and the Toyota Way which came from the guiding principles of Toyota. It is not a tangible recipe for success, neither is it a management project and it certainly is not a once-off event. It is a continuous way of being for all people in an organisation, department or team – a never-ending search for a better way. In other words, it is an environment of teamwork and improvement rather than a set of tools to be implemented.

For lean leadership to be sustainable, however, it needs to become a culture. This experiential programme is designed to equip participants to embed lean leadership into their teams, divisions, or organisations as a whole.

This course represents a world first, exciting collaboration between the Lean Institute Africa, and the Centre for Coaching. At the core of the Lean philosophy is the concept of the workplace being a socio-technical system.  In the past, the bias of the Lean world has been towards the technical side – solving problems. It can be said that in the past, the bias of the coaching world has been towards the ‘socio’ side – developing people.  This exciting new offering will be integrating these two to focus on Lean Leadership that develops conscious problem solvers.

This course runs in Cape Town on the GSB campus. For more information please contact the Executive Education department at the UCT Graduate School of Business on 0860 UCT GSB or email execed@gsb.uct.ac.za.

Dates: 22 -24 May 2017
Application Deadline: 21 April 2017
Tuition fee: R16 000

For more course information please visit: http://www.gsb.uct.ac.za/e.asp?c=927